Body Composition & Fit 3D

What exactly is body composition? Body composition is a measure of the amount of bone, muscle, and fat mass in a person’s body.  As we age, there is a natural increase in fat mass and a natural decrease in lean (muscle) mass. Studies indicate that we begin to lose 0.1-0.5% of muscle mass annually after the age of 30 and increasing to 2% at the age of 50. This age-related loss of muscle mass, strength and power, known as sarcopenia, is strongly correlated with an increased risk of hospitalization, physical disability, falls and fractures. While we can’t stop this process all together, there are things that we can do to slow it down and, in some cases, reverse it.

Bone mass is largely formed by the time you are a teen but can be impacted by your activity level. If you have been diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis (weakening of the bones), it is particularly important to engage in regular strength exercises and impact exercises.

Kepros Physical Therapy has a tool called a Fit3D scan that can help to assess body composition and posture. It evaluates body shape, takes body measurements including weight, balance, and posture by using 3 infrared cameras to take over 1200 pictures and over 400 measurements. It can also predict body fat percentages, which can be useful to monitor any changes in body composition over time. The scan itself takes less than 1 minute. We can use the Fit3D to monitor changes in body composition with patients. Examples of where this may be helpful are in a weight loss or muscle gain attempt, monitoring muscle atrophy (or hypertrophy) after a surgery, or as a baseline for wellness or monitoring osteoporosis.

If you are interested in incorporating the Fit3D as part of your health plan, let one of our therapists know.